
Scouting is a uniformed organisation. When you join, you need to buy the uniform from the Scout Shop before you are invested (normally a few weeks after joining).

The Scout Shop is open from 6-8pm on Thursdays and 2-4pm on Saturday afternoons at the Allbrook Scout Hut in Allbrook Hill in Eastleigh (just off the Allbrook roundabout on the right). You can also buy uniforms from Skoolkit or order them online at https://shop.scouts.org.uk/uniforms or https://www.glasgowscoutshop.com/.

Everyone in the 14th has a brown and green neckerchief and at least the following four badges (once invested): the World Membership Badge (purple circle), the Hampshire County Badge (black rectangle on right sleeve), the Southampton Central District Badge (another black rectangle on the right sleeve) and the Group Badge (on the back of the necker). Also, everyone should have the group name tag on the right shoulder. You will be presented with these items by the leader when you are invested.

If you have just moved up from Beavers to Cubs, or from Cubs to Scouts, then you should wear your old uniform until you are invested. Please transfer your old badges to your new uniform and continuing to use your old neckerchief.

Replacements for lost neckers are available for £3.50 and 50p for a plastic woggle.

Optional items are marked as such below and you do not need to buy them. If you do not buy the optional dark blue activity trousers, then please come along in dark trousers suitable for outdoor activities. You may want to get a second-hand uniform from someone who is moving up into the next section – look at the Chat Room on OSM.

All items of uniform, including scarves and anything else that your child is likely to take off, must be clearly named.

Beaver Scout Uniform

  • Turquoise Sweatshirt
  • Woggle, Group neckerchief and badges (ordered and presented by leaders)
  • Turquoise Polo Shirt (Optional).
  • Dark Blue Activity Trousers (Optional)
  • Dark Blue Activity Shorts (Optional)

Cub Scout Uniform

  • Dark green sweatshirt
  • Woggle, Group neckerchief and badges (ordered and presented by leaders)
  • Dark green polo shirt  (optional)
  • School skirt or trousers for smart occasions
  • Practical trousers/leggings/shorts for regular meetings

Scout Uniform

  • Teal Green Long Sleeved Shirt (Note: Extra Small XS size fits many Scouts throughout their entire four year stay in the Scout Section!)
  • Neckerchief and badges (ordered and presented by leaders)
  • Plaited Leather Woggle
  • Practical trousers/leggings/shorts for regular meetings