Cubs love earning badges and there is a huge range available to them.
Activity badges
These are the red and yellow badges that are worn on the left arm and some of the names may well bring back memories from your own time as a Cub or Brownie! There are many different Activity badges that Cub Scouts can work towards so there’s bound to be one that fits your child’s particular interest. From time to time we work towards one of these badges as a Pack, but Cubs may also do these as individuals.
Staged Activity Badges
Each stage of these badges is available to all sections, with the highest stage currently achieved being worn on the uniform. They have a light blue background and can be transferred from your child’s Beaver uniform.
Challenge Badges
There are 7 Challenge Awards available to Cub Scouts: Adventure, Outdoors, Skills, World, Personal, Team Leader and Teamwork. These awards take a bit longer to earn and most of the work for them will be done as part of Pack meetings but there will be times when involvement at home is necessary. If your child has something to carry out at home then please encourage them and help them to do it – but don’t do it for them! The emphasis is very much on each Cub
taking part to the best of their ability – there are no “absolute standards” that have to be reached.
It is worth pointing out, however, that a Cub will not be able to gain the Outdoor Challenge Award unless they have spent 3 nights camping with the Cub Pack.
Chief Scout’s Silver Award
This is the highest badge that a Cub Scout can earn. It is awarded on completion of all 7 Challenge Awards.