Pirates, Paddles, Pied Wagtails and Paultons – a Summer of Cub Scouting

Follow the links in the text to see photos of some of the things we’ve been up to this summer.

Here are some photos of the Pirate Ships that our Cubs made and sailed on the Common Boating Lake in May.

Seven of our Cubs kayaked skilfully through the waters of the Itchen close by the Toll Bridge on a beautiful Summers Evening in June. They were accompanied by a couple of master-canoeist Dads and a team of instuctors from Southampton City District. The Cubs couldn’t resist the temptation to voluntarily capsize at the end of the session! Here are some canoeing photos.

The whole pack explored the Wildlife of the Chilworth Conservation Area guided by local naturalist, Derek Lister. Look out for the elusive Great Spotted Group Scout Leader in the Chilworth photos.

Finally eight of our Cubs joined thousands of other Cubs from all over Hampshire for a day out at Paultons Park. Here are the Paultons photos.

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